Thirty European countries integrate their transport data systems

The development of the NAP (National Access Point), which has been in operation since its introduction in 2019, has stepped to a new phase. The world’s largest collaboration between transport data platforms was created by the onset of the launching of the NAPCORE project. Twenty-six EU Member States, three international professional organizations and three non-EU countries are coordinating, making their existing data systems uniform, interoperable and transparent. If all European citizens have easy and fast access to traffic data, they will be able to find the way to their destination more easily and safer. The development of the NAP will also contribute to the growth of trend-changing technologies like electric and self-driving. The consortium’s goal to achieve the objectives by the end of 2024.

In the NAPCORE project, more than a hundred experts from the participating states work together to collect and manage road and public transport data in uniform, standardized format. The information, which is generated in this way, will be shared with data users through the national access points in the Member States. The portal for the automatic exchange of data is operated by Hungarian Public Roads. The Hungarian system and platform can be renewed with an international development based on the collected experiences since the introduction of the system.

The consortium is leaded by the “Steering Committee” in close cooperation with the working group leaders. Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Greece and France are leaders in the consortium. The website of the consortium will be available in early 2022 with constantly updated information ( Hungary will organize one of the multi-day events within the project, next to France and Italy, expected in November 2023. For further promotion of the project, an open forum, like in 2019, will be organized by Hungarian Public Roads expected in February 2022.

The beneficiary organizational unit is the Ministry for Innovation and Technology. The responsible for its implementation will be Hungarian Public Roads. The government decision was published in the Hungarian Gazette on March 31, 2021: 1158/2021. (III. 31.). The Government Decision on the Submission of Hungary’s Project Proposal for the CEF Transport Call for Proposals for the European Network Finance Facility “Implementation of a coordination mechanism for the integration of the national IT access points” and the provision of domestic budget support Hungary required about 2% of the total allocated cost to implement its share of the project.