On 22 March 2018, our Company submitted a proposal for INFRAEDI-2018-2020, under the Horizon 2020 program. The HiDALGO (HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems) project is a cooperation coordinated by the University of Stuttgart, involving German, Austrian, Greek, British and Hungarian research institutions, with a budget of €7,000,000. Our Hungarian research partner is Széchenyi István University (SZE), and a third Hungarian partner – ARH Informatikai Zrt – also takes part in the project.
The project is aimed at integrating sensor data into supercomputing systems. Hungarian researchers are building a supercomputing model to improve air quality parameters in the town of Győr.
ARH Zrt is going to install traffic monitoring/license plate cameras for the establishment of traffic matrixes on the operated road network. Hungarian Public Roads will oversee the operation of these devices and will provide expertise on matters related to traffic management/control. The model might be integrated into the adaptive traffic control system of the town, cooperation on that is subject to further discussions with Győr city council.
The aid intensity is 100% of the total eligible net costs (excluding VAT), amounting to €120,000.